Partnership agreement for the foundation of Baclu S.A. in Zurich. (from 1982 SIPRO Siderprodukte AG).
The Hüttenprodukte AG was founded in Zurich to trade in siderurgical products of all kinds (flat products).
First business in the flat steel sector with Japanese plates.
Incorporation of Siderprodukte AG in Zurich for the distribution of steel long products and start of cooperation with the Beltrame steel group, Vicenza (IT).
Establishment of SIPRO Siderprodukte AG, based in Zollikon, for trading in mainly siderurgical products. SIPRO Beltrame AG founded with headquarters in Zollikon for the sale of steel products in Switzerland and Liechtenstein.
SIPRO Siderprodukte AG launches delivery of long products with quality and engineering steels from Italian steel mills to the D/A/CH region.
Start of cooperation with the logistics company WSG Spedition GmbH and beginning of the cooperation with the steel mills Acciaierie Venete SpA (IT) and Lech Stahlwerke (DE).
SIPRO Stahl Holding AG is founded with its sales companies SIPRO Siderprodukte AG, SIPRO Beltrame AG and SIPRO HPS AG (sales company of the LUCCINI steelworks group). SIPRO Siderprodukte AG is the Group’s main sales company and is responsible for entering new markets.
The joint sales company LUCCHINI Siderprodukte AG is founded with LUCCHINI SpA, Brescia (IT), enabling the distribution of quality and engineering steel with the LUCCHINI Group to the D/A/CH region and Benelux.
In addition to Austria, SIPRO is also granted exclusive sales rights for Switzerland in bulk steel by the Ferrero steelworks. Sales are handled by SIPRO Siderprodukte AG with the agreement of the Beltrame Group. The LUCCHINI Group takes over the Italian Piombino blast furnace steel mill from the Italian state. The sales office based in Lüdenscheid (DE) is responsible for sales in DE and Benelux, while the sales and processing headquarters remain in Geroldswil.
Start of trading in stainless steels through SIPRO Siderprodukte AG. Expansion of reinforcing steel activities with Badische Stahlwerke, Kehl (DE) in Switzerland.
SIPRO Beltrame AG starts the distribution of plain section steels from the LME Trith (FR) location for the countries Luxembourg, France and Belgium.
The company founder Fred Wüthrich resigns from the management boards of the SIPRO companies. SIPROFER AG, based in Geroldswil, is founded for the distribution of bead flat steel from the Beltrame plant in Marghera (IT).
KONTUR Werkzeugstahl GmbH is founded in Nettetal (DE), acting as a service center with the processing of plastic mold steel for the tool industry/ automotive industry. A cooperation agreement is concluded with LUCCHINI Siderprodukte AG for the supply of forged tool steel ingots ex delivery plant Lovere (IT).
Start of sales for shipbuilding materials from Beltrame’s Marghera (IT) plant.
SIPRO Siderprodukte AG becomes the third largest rail supplier to SBB ex Piombino. Sale of the Lucchini plants Sarezzo and Mura to Accaierie Venete SpA.
The 2nd generation with Jürg F. Wüthrich takes over the management in all SIPRO sales companies as delegate of the boards of directors. Foundation of VENETE Siderprodukte AG as well as start of a branch office in Hongkong, SIPRO Asia, to expand the network in the Asian region. Start of business relationship with FERALPI Holding SpA (IT) for the sale of reinforcing steels in Switzerland. Purchase of the steel plant “Stahl Gerlafingen AG”(CH), through our arrangement to AFV Beltrame SpA, Vicenza (IT) from Schmolz & Bickenbach, Neuss (DE).
Under the leadership of the BELTRAME Group, production of heavy long products is started at DONALAM S.A. in Romania and the joint sales company DONALAM Siderprodukte AG is founded. The long-term contract for the distribution of products of Mittal Arcelor Huta, Warszawa ends.
SIPRO Stahl Holding AG acquires a 10 percent stake in the French heavy plates mill Laminoirs des Landes S.A.S (LDL) in Tarnos, which is currently under construction.
Dual mandate of Jürg F. Wüthrich as CEO for SIPRO Group and for Stahlwerk Gerlafingen AG (Beltrame Group) as member of the Board of Directors and Managing Director Marketing and Sales.
SIPRO HPS AG is merged into SIPRO Siderprodukte AG.
The SIPRO Group sells more than 0.5 million tons of steel.
The Lucchini S.p.A. steel mill group with its main production site in Piombino is acquired by the Algerian Cevital Group. We focus exclusively on the distribution of railroad rails ex Piombino.
For our heavy plates mill Laminoirs des Landes S.A.S (LDL) we won the family-owned company HIERROS ANON SA as main shareholder. Establishment of the sales office SIPRO Siderprodukte Ges.m.b.H, Ferlach (AT) for the sales countries Austria, Slovenia and Croatia for the products of the BELTRAME group. The company LUCCHINI Siderprodukte AG merges into SIPRO Stahl Holding AG.
Jürg F. Wüthrich is stepping down as Head of Marketing & Sales for the operational business at Stahl Gerlafingen AG as of June 30, 2017.
Start of production of our newly built heavy plate mill Laminoirs des Landes S.A.S (LDL) in Tarnos (FR). Foundation of the sales company PITTINI Siderprodukte AG with the steel partner Pittini Group based in Geroldswil. The 3rd family generation kicks off with Tristan Wüthrich.
The startup SOLaiTION AG is founded with headquarters in Laufenburg (CH), which focuses on image-based sensor technology for measuring bulk piles, level measurement and material detection, including GPS localization.
On June 4th, our founder Fred Wüthrich passes away. The SIPRO Group achieves sales of over EUR 1 billion and supplies more than 1 million tons of steel for the first time in the company’s history.
SIPRO International AG, founded in 2022, takes up the operative trading business with headquarters in Cham (CH). The claim “SIPRO STAHL SCHWEIZ” is replaced by “SIPRO STEEL SOLUTIONS” (relaunch of the SIPRO corporate identity and corporate design).